The Art Workers’ Guild
Monica Grose-Hodge
Georgy carves wood with exceptionally fine details. He will be demonstrating how his work is made, and how the tools and the different types of wood he chooses create the finished effect. printed and painted papers have a long tradition in Great Britain. In the 18th and 19th Centuries, making decorated papers was an essential home industry; you were much more likely to make them yourself than buy them in shops or order them from manufacturers. Upcycling plain papers using simple techniques, cheap pigments, and household materials is still very much part of the modern idea and aspiration to create high quality products of a startling sophistication without degrading the environment. Llewellyn will show a range of ways that plain paper can be transformed using simple repeat motifs and gestural mark-making. & Rogers handmake one-twelfth scale bespoke miniature houses. They begin by researching from old plans and books and make site visits to photograph, measure and sketch. After scaling down the original they make their own technical drawings. Depending on the size of the building or interior their pieces can take anything from a month to several years to create. On display will be their ‘Ghosts of Versailles’ - last exhibited at the Homo Faber exhibition in Venice last September. They will also show accompanying carving work and will join us in person on Sunday afternoon to answer questions.
mulvanyandrogers.comCarolyn will be exhibiting and demonstrating her woodcut prints. She will take us through her process, showing us how to place images on blocks and use tools to cut, and the materials she might use. She will explain how woodcuts differ from linocuts, and the history and characteristics of the medium, and how they relate to the content, aesthetic, and politics of her own work.
carolyntrantparvenu.blogspot.comMarianne draws and paints from observation; scenes of people at work in North London, landscapes in Holland, and Italy. She works in woodcut, etching, and paints and draws in a variety of media. She will be demonstrating her technique and the tools she uses, and some objects that have inspired her. is a renowned artist and designer specialising in hand-lettering. With over twelve years’ experience of working with letterforms, he offers typography, calligraphy, lettering, and sign painting to clients across the UK and abroad. Ged will be demonstrating brush lettering techniques throughout the weekend.
gedpalmer.comAndrew designs and paints coats of arms, illuminated manuscripts, and tapestries. He was chosen by their Majesties King Charles III and Queen Camilla to design and paint the Coronation Invitation in 2023. He will be exhibiting his artworks and demonstrating the painting of a coat of arms.’s work is entirely hand-woven and hand-finished and as such continues a tradition that has spanned many centuries in many different cultures. Working on a traditional floor loom, she weaves textiles with a contemporary feel. Bobbie will have a table loom set up, demonstrating how she samples new ideas and, on a small scale, what she does on her larger looms - providing an opportunity to observe and understand the processes involved in the role of a designer/maker.
bobbiekociejowski.comCarolyn Gowdy is an artist and illustrator and is renowned for her distinctive, narrative, almost fairy-tale images. Her paintings and drawings are usually populated by a cast of idiosyncratic characters that reflect her innocent, quirky humour, and her ‘interest in humanity.’ She will be exhibiting a selection of her etchings and prints. the cupboards of unfinished sewing projects, clothing that could no longer be used, and fabrics donated over the years, has led Monica to the creation of rag rug textile art pieces with their own names and stories, inspired by plants, medieval crewel work and blackwork embroidery. Three dimensional and tactile, the canvas is left half full, meaning they are lighter, and can be displayed on the wall instead of the floor. Alongside the rag rugs, Monica will be exhibiting unfinished work, sketchbooks, and other projects, so that you can see the process. is a textile artist working with a variety of processes. She creates unique portraits and small scenes using machine embroidery, using photographs and her imagination. Monica will be demonstrating her methods, encouraging visitors to ‘have a go.’ She will also be showing a range of batik and hand painted silk scarves created this year in Sri Lanka. works as a dyer using natural, mostly plant-based colour, and traditional historic recipes for colour ranges. She will display and demonstrate different dyestuffs, showing the preparation of source materials and techniques of dyeing. Find out more about Penny’s research into eco- friendly, sustainable sources of textile colour; the by-products of food and drink preparation, horticultural prunings, sawdust from sawmills and fruit skins from jam factories and breweries.
aotextiles.comJeremy Nichols, a salt glaze potter and former Chair of the Craft Potters Association, will be showing his open-handle teapot designs together with a selection of other drinking, pouring and lidded vessels. He will also demonstrate throwing and constructing components for teapots. will show a variety of her cased taxidermy sculptures, ranging in size and colour. She will show examples of the wooden and clay sculptures that sit underneath the skin of taxidermy, demonstrating the different skills used throughout the process. She will also show how she creates flowers from a range of materials, including porcelain, wax, silk, and resin. Jazmine will be demonstrating painting a hand sculpted cast frog from start to finish."I am primarily known as a paper cutter - but this is not how I see myself. I have always considered myself first and foremost a print maker; I do utilise a lot of papercutting in my silkscreen printing process. At the Art of Making, I will endeavour to show how these two practices can be used together, setting up a small screen-printing studio and producing prints to give away to attendees. The subject of the print I am going to make is one very close to my heart at the moment, namely - how the world is going to shit."
robryanstudio.comRuth creates limited edition hand printed artist books using hand carved rubber stamps. Join her for a demonstration on how she carves the rubber stamps, prints with them, and have a go yourself. award-winning activist, author and Ashoka Fellow, Sarah founded the global Craftivist Collective in 2009 and coined ‘Gentle Protest’ as her unique methodology. Corbett’s work has helped change government laws, business policies as well as hearts and minds around the world. Using handicrafts for mindfulness and critical thinking on how we can be part of the positive change we wish to see in our fragile world in a kind, respectful and non-polarising way. Join Sarah and create a Mini Fashion Statement; a pocket-sized scroll as a powerful and poignant little reminder of the role we can play as consumers. Made with love and placed into a pocket to encourage us to be more curious about who made our clothes.
craftivist-collective.comCome and meet Harriet Vine from renowned duo Tatty Devine and look inside their 25-year journey into creativity and art jewellery. Harriet will exhibit a curated selection of original sketchbooks alongside finished pieces, illustrating the evolution of creative concepts into unique wearable art, spaces, and installations. This intimate opportunity will provide a deep insight into the design process that defines Tatty Devine’s innovative spirit. Additionally, they will showcase an exciting new collaborative project with artist Sir Grayson Perry, based on his show for the Wallis collection and other works.
tattydevine.comVicki is well-known for recreating real and imaginary buildings through delicate small-scale jewellery and boxes, constructed from sheet silver and gold, designed to be worn, and used. She will be demonstrating the construction of her work. ambidextrous artist and illustrator, Kay Gasei explores the themes of mythology, sociopolitical paradigms, and symbolism. His drawing skills and mark making are truly striking and immediate, his style contemporary and the stories he tells through his image making are intriguing. Now liberated from sketchbooks and small formats, his powerful large size paintings are garnering him international attention as an artist and craftsman.
kaygasei.ukTaslim will present a range of new work he has created in his recently established small foundry set up. He will discuss the foundry process, including making tools such as lifting tongs and pouring shanks, and demonstrate sculpting in wax. There will also be an opportunity to join in and have a go at sculpting in wax or plasticine.