The Art Workers’ Guild
Bridget Bailey - Making mistakes
Eleanor Pritchard - Appropriate Technology
Will Houstoun - Magic is Good Medicine
Nicholas Hughes - Happy Accidents, Considered Steps
Stephen Richards - Nature in a time of anxiety
Prue Cooper - Handwritten Letters
Joe Whitlock Blundell - Measure twice, cut once
Bridget Bailey - Evolution in the making
Regina Heinz - Ceramic Art in Architecture
Mark Winstanley - Wyvern Bindery; Look Back in Aspic
Jeremy Nichols - Craft Platforms
Art School Reminiscences
Simon Smith - Kick over the statues!
Roger Kneebone - Translating and interpreting
Nicholas Cooper - Making Things and Making History
Penny Walsh - Inspiration from past Brothers
Geoffrey Preston - Crockets and Raffle Leaves
Jane Dorner - Stuff of Life
Bro. Michael Petry - Hold me in your hand tightly: small bronzes from Apollo
Rosie Wolfenden - A Creative Response to a Crisis
Prue Cooper - Words into images won’t go – and what happened when academics gave it a try
Fleur Oakes - Process or 'How you do anything is how you do everything' (attributed to Zen Buddhism) (and why not?)
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